Shipping Policy

Once we process your order, and it is shipped to you from our partnered fulfillment center, you will receive tracking updates with DHL Express (if you selected this shipping method) or with the other carrier.

The orders are usually dispatched in 3-7 business days, however, allow up to 2 weeks as the packages are shipped from our partnered fulfillment centers in Asia, depending on the particular product's vendor location, as we source directly from the featured indie brands. However, we also ship from our US location in Los Angeles based on stock availability.

If shipped internationally with DHL Express or YunExpress the package should arrive within 7-15 days for the Americas. Shipping times for other countries vary from 7 to 21 days. Please allow a maximum of 30 days for your order to arrive after it's shipped for when the order gets delayed in customs, as some countries are stricter than others. 

Prior to shipment, Dragon Star Group LLC reserves the right to amend prices on the website for the products purchased. To request a modification or cancellation of an order, please email as soon as possible. Please note, you must reach out for change or cancellation within 24 hours. Once an order is placed, Dragon Star is not responsible for ensuring that it can be modified or canceled prior to shipment.

We will hold responsibility for any lost packages that have not reached your domestic country. Any lost or damaged packages within your country must be taken up with your local courier, unless you have purchased insured shipping. We can provide the contact information and tracking. If your package does not reach your domestic country within 60 business days after it is shipped out, we will provide a full refund or reshipment.

If the package requires pick-up, it is the customer's responsibility to retrieve it. If the package address was filled out incorrectly, the buyer is responsible for any losses that may occur. In the instance, a package is sent back to us, the customer has the option to have it re-shipped at their expense. If an address is one that we are unable to ship to, we will contact the customer, and they have 7 days to provide a new one or a refund will be issued. 

This entire agreement is one of the customer must oblige to regardless of your countries' consumer rights, since consumer protection does not hold on an international standpoint.

In the event of something that is out of our control delays shipping, we will mention this on the home page of our website. 
Our company cannot guarantee any delivery dates when shipping worldwide due to these circumstances. Nevertheless, our team always strives to do our very best at providing you with the most enjoyable and seamless customer experience.